Vixan WP - User Guide
Thanks for your purchase, your support is truly appreciated!
Please follow all these documentation's instruction step by step.
NB: For more viewing image please click on that image.
Thanks for your purchase! We know that you're excited to get your site up and running and we want to help. Please take the time to read through this documentation as it will help to answer most of your questions. If you encounter any issues or discover any bugs please contact us so that we may help you.
To use Vixan, you must be running WordPress 6.0 or higher, PHP7 or higher, and mysql 5 or higher. We have tested it with Mac, Windows and Linux. Below are a list of items you should ensure your host can comply with.
- Check to ensure that your web host has the minimum requirements to run WordPress.
- Always make sure they are running the latest version of WordPress
- You can download the latest release of WordPress from official WordPress website
- Always create secure passwords FTP and Database
Hosting is Vixan secure when PHP applications, like WordPress, are run using your account’s username instead of the server’s default shared username (www or www-data). The most common way for hosting companies to do this is using suPHP.
Installing your theme is pretty easy! You can install the theme in two ways: through WordPress, or via FTP. After downloading and uncompressing your theme you should find a file named
. This is a compressed file containing all of the required templates and images required for the theme to function properly.
How To Install via WordPress
Step 1 – Navigate to Appearance > Themes.
Step 2 – Click Install Themes and hit the upload button.
Step 3 – Navigate to find the “ ” file on your computer and click “Install Now”
Step 4 – Wait while the theme is uploaded and installed.
Step 5 – Activate the newly installed theme. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate it.


Activate Theme
- Click on Themes in the Appearance Menu
- Click on Activate Button in bottom of the Vixan theme
How To Install via FTP
Step 1 – Log into your hosting space via an FTP software
Step 2 – Unzip the “ file and ONLY use the extracted “vixan theme folder
Step 3 – Upload the extracted More theme folder into wp-content > themes folder
Step 4 – Activate the newly installed theme. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate it.
Finding Theme Options & Modules
As soon as you've activated your theme, you will see a new link appearing at the bottom of the dashboard sidebar with your theme name. This is where all of your theme options and theme modules are.
In your Admin panel you see a message board like as this image

Then "Begin installing plugins" and you also see another options "Appearance => Install Plugins". Now install plugins by this way.

Please remember that all plugins must be installed before Importing demo content.
Important: If your site is not a fresh install with no content, but has a lot of existing content and pages on it already, it is important to remember that this file will add a lot of pages (and media if you choose to import that) to your site, that you will have to edit or remove.

Import demo Content by useing One Click Demo Import by following these instruction
First you have to install "One Click Demo Import" Plugin
There are four import files that you can prepare and use for your demo imports:
- Content import - a normal WordPress content export file (XML format)
- Widgets import (optional) - create that file using the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin (JSON/WIE format)
- Customizer import (optional) - create that file using the Customizer Export/Import plugin (DAT format)
- Redux framework import (optional) - create that file using the Redux Framework plugin (JSON format)
1. No existing posts, pages, categories, images, custom post types or any other data will be deleted or modified.
2. Posts, pages, images, widgets, menus and other theme settings will get imported.
3. Please Go to Appearance => Import demo data and then click on the Import button only once and wait, it can take a couple of minutes.
If you want to Import demo Content manually then follow this instruction

For getting front page design you must be select as "Home" page as given image.

For each page must have select page template "Page-Fullwidth"
For setting logo and favicon, please go to Appearance=>Customize=>Site Identity and follow this instructon and click the 'Publish' button.

In General menu you can set the following options:
1. Turn Enabled/Disabled page loader.
2. You can also add Preloader text.
3. You can also upload logo by this section.
4. Turn Enabled/Disabled Membership.
5. Turn Enabled/Disabled Back to Top Button.
6. Turn Enabled/Disabled Custom Cursor.

After filling up all above these fields obviously click the SAVE BUTTON .
It's only works for Default Page Settings.

After filling up all above these fields obviously click the SAVE BUTTON .
In Blog Settings menu you can set the following options:
1. You cab be settings Related Post Sections.
2. Turn Enabled/Disabled Post Navigation.
3. Turn Enabled/Disabled Comment Section.

After filling up all above these fields obviously click the SAVE BUTTON .
In Social Links menu you can set the following options:
1. Insert Social Connections links Accor to Your Requirements.

After filling up all above these fields obviously click the SAVE BUTTON .
In Comming Soon menu you can set the following options:
1. You can be setting Comming Soon page Title.
2. You can be setting Comming Soon page Sub-Title.
3. You can be setting Comming Soon page Subscription Form.

After filling up all above these fields obviously click the SAVE BUTTON .
In 404 Settings menu you can set the following options:
1. You Can be Setting error page Title, Button & Background Image.

After filling up all above these fields obviously click the SAVE BUTTON .
In general menu you can set the following options:
1. Write / Paste your custom CSS code here.
2. Write / Paste your custom JS code here.

After filling up all above these fields obviously click the SAVE BUTTON .
In general menu you can set the following options:
1. Import Tmeme Options Demo Data.
1. Export Tmeme Options Demo Data.

After filling up all above these fields obviously click the SAVE BUTTON .

Here just select your elements from your page's editor and design your page.
Uploading and usage
Whether you are adding a portfolio item, a blog post, a gallery format post or upload images to your gallery template the same method is always used in our themes.
- Go to the page/post/portfolio item you want to edit.
- Click the Add Media button.
- Upload your images.
- When you've uploaded your images, you can now manage your attached images by selecting this option:
- Since you uploaded the image(s) on this page, they will now be attached to it. Our themes uses these attached images and displays them.

- To re-order images, simply drag them around. To remove them, simply delete them.
- Captions will appear in the bottom right corner on top of the image.
- If you want to link the image, add your link in the description field of the image (works only on some specific places).
- In order for the images to show up on thumbnails you need to pick one of your images and click "Set Featured Image".
Additional Notes
- You never need to click the "Insert Image" button unless you want to add a default-type WordPress gallery on the page content section. In all other cases, our themes grabs the attachments automatically.
- If you want to add an image in the content of the page, but it shows up in the slider as well, do the following:
- Go to Media > Add New in the WordPress sidebar.
- Upload the image you don't want to show up in the gallery/slider.
- Copy the direct link to this image.
- Insert it on the page via the HTML-tab of the editor by using the image src tag. Example:
<img src="myimagelink.jpg" alt="description" />
(This is an area we are looking to improve for greater flexibility in a future update)
Featured Image on Regular Pages
If you upload and set an image as featured on a regular page, it will show up in the header. Image captions will be large-text, centered on top of the image. Image description will show up in a small box below the caption.
Child theme comes with this package. If you are going to make update in the theme. Then we suggest you to install the child theme and make change there. So that when you update the theme you changes don't get replaced. You can find the child theme "" in the installation file.